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E-LOK is the revolutionary new development in digital locks. Designed specifically for New Zealand conditions, E-LOK brings the best of digital locks and electronic access together in one ingenious and tidy solution.

Easy to Use

The beauty of E-LOK is that it is easy to operate by PIN number, swipe fob, or smart phone. It is managed exclusively and seamlessly from the E-LOK app installed free on your phone or tablet (apple or android). New users can be added, modified, or deleted very quickly and easily, and the app is free to download.

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E-LOK Electronic Digital Lock in Black

Complete Control over Users

The winning advantage of E-LOK over other locks is that it knows the time. This means that while most digital locks will let anyone with any credential gain entry at any time, E-LOK allows you to control when users can enter by setting customized limits on individual access. Air BnB guests can enter between 2pm Friday until and 10am Sunday, for example, or employees can enter an office between 8am Monday and 6pm Friday. This means that E-LOK is particularly ideal for Air BnB’s, or anywhere guests, employees or tradespeople should only be accessing a property for a limited, predetermined period of time.

Fits 99% of New Zealand Doors

Another major advantage of E-LOK is that it has been designed to fit 99% of New Zealand joinery – both timber and aluminium doors. It is ordered complete with either a 30mm, 35mm, 40mm, 45mm, or 60mm stainless steel mortice lock – whichever best fits your door. This alone makes E-LOK one of the most versatile, durable and easy-to-install digital locks on the market.

The E-LOK app is downloadable free from and is a joy to use. Using Bluetooth, the owner has complete control over users and user access. Access for individual users can be added, modified, updated or deleted very easily and in real-time. This app has been carefully and thoughtfully created, and it is one of the simplest and most user-friendly security apps we have seen.

Wifi or Bluetooth

E-LOK can be connected to the internet with the optional E-LOK GATEWAY WiFi module. E-LOK works as a fully functional, stand alone unit using Bluetooth alone, but with the GATEWAY module, an owner can lock/unlock, add/delete users, or modify access as required from anywhere in the world where WiFi is available.

Special Pricing

We’re so impressed with E-LOK, we negotiated a special price with our suppliers. We can install E-LOK at your home, Air BnB or buiness for $695.00 including installation and GST within our normal service areas (Whangarei, One Tree Point, Ruakaka, and Waipu). For more information, or for having an E-LOK fitted to your home or business, give Northland Locksmiths a call or go to to find out more.

Northland Locksmiths (09) 438 900

Copyright 2021

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We know from experience that we offer better value-for-money than the other firms in the district. That is why we always recommend GETTING TWO QUOTES. That way you can be sure you are getting the best price and the best service possible.



Safeguarding your staff, your business and your premises 24/7 is our speciality.



Specialising in protecting people and residential property across Northland.



Northland Locksmiths can get you back in and back on the road in no time at all.




Northland Locksmiths will be closed Friday March 7 until Saturday March 15.

Our locksmiths are volunteer firefighters and we will be away for annual fire training.

For domestic and commercial work please phone Guardian Locksmiths on
0800 465 265.

For automotive work please phone Pinnacle Locksmiths on
0800 243 503

We will open again Saturday March 15th. We apologise for any inconvenience.