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Articles_Northland Locksmith_Elok On A Purple Door

Now that Air BnB is picking up again, we’re finding more and more owners are choosing to installE-LOK on their short-term rental accomodation. The reason for this is that E-LOK ticks a whole range of boxes thatAir BnB’s need that other locking systems can’t provide. These include remote access and preset access periods.


Remote Access

Believe it or not, a lot of Air BnB owners do not live at their Northland Air BnBproperties. The nature of Air BnB means that owners need to be able to provide access forclients or family without being on site and often at short notice. E-LOK enables ownersto do this in 2 ways:

  1. By pre-programming a few redundant access codes into their E-LOK when on site, and issuing one of these access code to clients as and when needed.
  2. By installing the optional wifi bridge, clients can manage their E-LOK access remotely from anywhere in the world. They can do it from their phone from wherever they might be. You can now lock and unlock your door in real time, no matter where you are. We have owners in Auckland who unlock their front doors for guests and trades people at their beach houses near Whangarei.

Preset Access Periods

When you grant access to your property to other people – whether they be clients or family members – you want to be able to maintain some degree of control in order to make sure they don’t just stay a few days longer than agreed, or keep coming back every other weekend. One of the winning features of E-LOK is that it enables the owner to issue an access code that lasts for a specific period of time and then becomes unusable. A typical weekend Air BnB access would be Friday – Monday, for example. A plumber coming in to do maintenance might only need access for a few hours. E-LOK does this. By issuing special time-sensitive access codes, E-LOK gives an owner greater control over when visitors can come in, and enables an owner to maintain control over their own property even when they are not there! Nobody can use their code to get in at some other time than the time the owner authorises them to.

E-LOK and Wifi

These key features make E-LOK ideal for Air BnB’s and other holiday accomodation. The days of leaving a key in a Lockbox are fast disappearing as we see Lockboxes getting smashed openand keys taken on a regular basis. And with Lockboxes, you never can tell who or when a lockbox key is getting used. By installing an E-LOK on your bach or Air BnB, and combining it with the remoteaccess of the wifi bridge, E-LOK gives the owner the greatest control over their property without actually being there. That is why so many bachowners are now installing E-LOK over other locking systems.

If you think an E-LOK might be what you need for your bach or Air BnB, give Northland Locksmiths a call. We’re happy to talk you through and see if it will work for you.

Northland Locksmiths

Bay of Island – Whangarei –Ruakaka – Waipu



We know from experience that we offer better value-for-money than the other firms in the district. That is why we always recommend GETTING TWO QUOTES. That way you can be sure you are getting the best price and the best service possible.



Safeguarding your staff, your business and your premises 24/7 is our speciality.



Specialising in protecting people and residential property across Northland.



Northland Locksmiths can get you back in and back on the road in no time at all.




Northland Locksmiths will be closed Friday March 7 until Saturday March 15.

Our locksmiths are volunteer firefighters and we will be away for annual fire training.

For domestic and commercial work please phone Guardian Locksmiths on
0800 465 265.

For automotive work please phone Pinnacle Locksmiths on
0800 243 503

We will open again Saturday March 15th. We apologise for any inconvenience.