They allow a business owner to know for certain how many keys there are that allow access to the business, and who has them.
Restricted Profile Keys are keys that have a different profile from ordinary keys and cannot be obtained from your local key cutter or hardware store. They are only available from a registered locksmith, like Northland Locksmiths, and cannot be obtained by employees or other members of the public. By changing the lock barrels to a Restricted Profile, all other keys that used to provide access no longer work. The old keys cannot even be put into the locks because the lock profile has changed and the old key profile is no longer compatible with the new one in the lock. Every Restricted Profile Key also has a unique identification number. This allows the employer or business owner to keep an accurate record of who keys are issued to and when the keys were issued and/or returned.
Converting to a Restricted Profile Key is a fairly simple exercise. If a business already has good quality locks installed to their premises, it is a matter of removing the lock cylinders and fitting them with a Restricted Profile Barrel. Most of the work is done in the workshop prior to installation, and converting a lock to a Restricted Profile normally takes around 5-10 minutes for each door. A business can be completely rekeyed within an hour or two. Professional locksmiths like Northland Locksmiths will also service and test the locks free of charge while they are working on them. It is then a simple matter of handing over the required quantity of Restricted Profile Keys to the client to issue to the appropriate employees.
Installing a Restricted Profile Key system is a good idea when initially taking over a business, or when things haven’t been running smoothly, like when inventory has been disappearing, or former staff did not return their keys immediately when they left. It has been estimated that for every key in legitimate use in the world, on average, there is at least one other key that has been lost, forgotten about, or illegally copied. A business using an ordinary key that has 15 current keyholders for example, would have on average, around 15 unaccounted-for extra keys in circulation, depending on how long it has been in business.
In reality few of these keys will be in the wrong hands, and are simply lost or forgotten about by the keyholders. But the possibilty that other keys might still exist, poses a serious business risk. Restricted Profile Keys eliminate all of these problems. An employer or business owner can rest assured, certain in the knowledge that there is no possibility of other keys being in circulation.
Safeguarding your staff, your business and your premises 24/7 is our speciality.
Northland Locksmiths can get you back in and back on the road in no time at all.